Playwright: Billy Goda
Director: Scott Zigler
Scenic Designer: Caleb Wertenbaker
Costume Designer: Theresa Squire
Lighting Designer: Charles Foster
Sound Designer: Sharath Patel
Stage Manager: Pamela Edington
Original Performance Dates
November 4 2008 - January 18 2009
(c) Westside Theatre 2008. *Original Music by The Crystal Method.
Dust - Westside Theatre
This production was a world premier new work, which focused on an addict handy-man’s redemption story in face of adversity where transitions told the stories between scenes. In one transition we find the lead character searching the city for a job guided with stories by sound effects which did not contain any fully formed structure of music until the turning point of the production when the main character decides to make his escape from his situation. The music was crafted to time out perfectly with set changes, sound effects, and choreography.