Arcadia Poster

Playwright: Tom Stoppard
Director: Tamara Fisch
Scenic Designer: Tim McMath
Costume Designer: Melissa Trn
Lighting Designer: Daisy Long
Sound Designer: Sharath Patel
Stage Manager: Rachel London

Original Performance Dates

April 14-17 2010


Photography by Adam Payne. (c) Yale Dramatic Association 2010. *Original Music by Jordan Urbach and Sharath Patel.

Arcadia - Yale Dramatic Association

For the first time I got to work with a student composer while designing for Yale Dramatic Association. The music was written for string quartet by Jordon Urbach. We recorded the music performed by student musicians into four discrete channels then broke it down to numerous different banks of speakers. Violins came from the main present, violas over the stage, cello’s from the subs under the stage, 2nd violin traveled between (R, L, U, D) speakers and auxiliary instruments were also traveling. One day on the subway, I hummed out a melody and together with Jordon we wrote a three beat quintet waltz (which I then danced to at my own wedding).